with Keith Armstrong & David Finnigan (2016)
A collaborative, performative and relational experience for two people, woven together by a custom digital phone App. Two walkers, who have never met, simultaneously use a phone App to record a personalised walk around their locality, crafting a series of special moments and surprises for each other. The App then allows participants to continue their two walks, but now directed by what the other person has just created for them. Finally, at the end of the experience they can then choose whether they would like to actually meet in person.
Based loosely on the idea of a date, each participant is initially asked to give a little bit of personal information, and then actually speak volumes about themselves through how they choose to care for their ‘date’s future experience. After walking in parallel universes, but never far away from each other, both daters can ultimately choose to then meet in person — if what they have experienced tells them that maybe “We Are The One”.
(from embodiedmedia.com.au)
“A treasure hunt or a magical mystery tour: the urban landscape became a structure of figure and ground, a roller door or tree that otherwise might go unremarked transformed into an object of desire and special attention.” Owen Richardson, The Age
“It was a delightful exploration of place and the senses, and was a wonderful way to connect with the festival.” Laura Elizabeth, Theatre People

Co-Directors: Keith Armstrong & David Finnigan
System Design: Steve Berrick
Futuring Designer: Robert Henderson
For Are We The One?, I worked with Keith, David and Robert to create a synced app experience for two unknown audience partners.
An Android app was created using MeteorJS, and run on 16 Motorola Moto G phones. Phones were paired at lunch, locking them into a date. Audience members were issued one each, not knowing who they were paired with. The audience members created a journey for their partner via a series of GPS tagged photos and audio recordings, Particular attention was paid to keeping a similar pace for both parties, so their experiences could run in sync.
A web based admin app allows Keith and David to monitor and refine content, as well as provides a way of monitoring audience safety throughout their walk.